Russia Prosecutor General, investigate mass murder and torture of LGBT people in Chechnya

Russia Prosecutor General, investigate mass murder and torture of LGBT people in Chechnya

11 апреля 2017 г.
Prosecutor General of Russia (Yury Chaika)
Подписей: 663 137Следующая цель: 1 000 000

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Автор: Игорь Я.

Русский/English/Deutsch/Español/Polski/Japanese / French

After almost two years, mass persecution of LGBT in Chechnya has resumed. Actually, it has never stopped. Men and women are being detained and tortured because of their alleged sexual or actual sexual orientation. Russian LGBT Network reports that since the end of December, around 40 people were detained, at least two people were killed.

In early 2017, mass detentions took place in Chechnya. Over a hundred persons were rounded up, subjected to humiliation and torture, solely upon suspicion of being gay.

Media suspects mass murders. At least three men have been confirmed as killed. Early in April Novaya Gazeta published two articles, “Honor Killings” (No 34, 3 April 2017) and “Reprisals Against Chechen Gays” (No35, 05 April 2017), in which a witness stated, “the detained were tortured, violated with a bottle, electrocuted. Some were beaten nearly to death and returned to their relatives like a sack of bones. I definitely know of two deaths…” (More info in NYTimes article)

According to the same paper, the “gay hunt” is being carried out by local law enforcement as a “prophylactic” measure. Targets for such “prophylactics” in Chechnya are many: the use of alcohol and light narcotics, extramarital sexual relationships, “incorrect” appearance, suspicion of extremism, even just traffic violations. This time the cause is an issue that locals traditionally don’t speak about. Those close to the killed haven’t come forward to authorities, fearing their families could be “shamed,” and also because of unofficial support for “honor killings” on the part of authorities themselves. Check also this Dazed article for more info.

We demand a full investigation of all the facts about unlawful repression in Chechnya of LGBT population, punishment for the guilty parties and an end to the practice of extra-judicial violence and killings in the republic.

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Адресаты петиции

  • Prosecutor General of RussiaYury Chaika